Home Ranch News Stunt Driving Penalties to Increase for Drivers

Stunt Driving Penalties to Increase for Drivers

New rules to take effect July 1st


As of July 1st, Ontario drivers caught in unsafe driving practices such as stunt racing will be facing harsher penalties.

Under the new legislation, license suspensions for drivers caught racing will see an increase from 7 days each to a 30 day license suspension as well as a 14 day vehicle impoundment. Though penalties will not stop there.

Drivers license suspensions will be steep for those caught racing. A first time offense could see a minimum of 1-3 years. Second offense a minimum of 3-10 years while those caught racing for a third time could face a lifetime driving suspension which could be reduced.

A 4th strike will be out under the legislation, known as the MOMS act which received royal assent on June 3rd. It call for offenses up to a lifetime suspension.

Stunt driving charges are laid when a driver goes 50km/hr over a posted speed limit. The MOMS act will get tougher on stunt drivers where the limit is under 80km/hr, a racing charge could be handed to those 40km over the speed limit.