Home Ranch News Social Service Staff Looking Into Wi-Fi Access in Social Housing

Social Service Staff Looking Into Wi-Fi Access in Social Housing

Council will discuss at a later council meeting


A Wellington County social services staff recommendation got committee approval which would bring Wi-Fi access points to all common areas of county owned social housing buildings.

The social services committee made the proposal to have 32 access points to 26 social housing buildings in the county at a meeting on Wednesday.

Costs are slotted around $93,000 which would be covered by COVID-19 relief funding. The annual cost would be around $28,000 which would be added onto next years budget.

Buildings which would get access points include across the county in Palmerston, Harriston, Mount Forest, Arthur, Fergus, Erin and Elora with more in Guelph.

Committee approval will push this forward to a county council meeting later this month.