Home Ranch News Coelho Walks for 24 Hours Raising Funds for First Responder Mental Health

Coelho Walks for 24 Hours Raising Funds for First Responder Mental Health


It was a busy Saturday for Manny Coelho who spent 24 hours at the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex walking the track to help raise funds for Boots on the Ground.

The organization helps support first responders with mental health support.

Coehlo was backed up with local first responders who would tap in for him to take a break at times.

Coelho who wrapped up his trek at 8am on Sunday says raising funds to support mental health is something which has always been important to him.

“I want to take the stigma away from mental health and I want to bring as much awareness as I can to our first responders that we are human and we provide a service but sometimes that service comes at a cost.” said Coelho.

Donations still continue to pour and can be done so online.