Home Ranch News Wellington County OPP investigating rash of catalytic converter thefts

Wellington County OPP investigating rash of catalytic converter thefts

Police offers tips to decrease chances of thefts or break ins


Since the end of March, 2021 members of the Wellington County OPP have received several reports of stolen catalytic converters and diesel filters from vehicles.

On April 14th Wellington County OPP responded to a business on Fourth Line in the Town of Erin. It was reported that sometime overnight, suspect(s) damaged 20 fleet vehicles by removing diesel catalytic converters and emission control parts.

On April 29th at approximately 11:40pm unknown suspect(s) removed 2 catalytic converters from trucks that were parked at a business on First Line near Arthur. A white SUV was observed leaving the area at the time of the theft.

Other recent catalytic converter thefts have occurred in the Township of Centre Wellington, Township of Guelph-Eramosa and Town of Erin.

Police remind the public that crime prevention is up to all of us. The tips that can be used to keep your property safe are:

  • Always remove valuables in plain view. If it can’t be removed secure it in the trunk or other unseen locations within your vehicle prior to reaching your destination
  • Remember to lock your vehicle, day or night and always secure your residence; including garage doors and outbuildings. Secure all loose items including bicycles and equipment
  • Remember that thief’s are always looking for an easy target
  • Always make sure to record and photograph the make, model and serial number of items in case they are stolen
  • If you are a victim of theft report it to the police and provide the serial numbers as they can be helpful in locating and recovering the property.
  • If there is no serial number create a unique marks or engraving on the items to help identifying it
  • Use motion detecting lights and vehicle alarms which can be a deterrent to those responsible for committing thefts to and from vehicles
  • Conduct walk arounds of your property to make sure all exterior lighting is working properly
  • Always repair windows or fences. Show that you have pride in your property and care what happens to it
  • If you have an alarm system always use it. Make sure all contact numbers they may have are up to date
  • Be a good neighbour and share information and look out for neighbour’s properties
  • Always report suspicious activity or incidents to police immediately