Home Ranch News Town of St. Marys Investigating Cyber Security Incident that has Locked &...

Town of St. Marys Investigating Cyber Security Incident that has Locked & Encrypted their Data

The incident occurred on Wednesday. Upon learning of the incident staff took immediate steps to secure any sensitive information, including locking down the Town's IT system and restricting email access.


The Town of St. Marys announced this afternoon that it is investigating a cyber security incident that has locked its internal server and encrypted its data.

The incident occurred on Wednesday. Upon learning of the incident staff took immediate steps to secure any sensitive information, including locking down the Town’s IT system and restricting email access.

The town also notified its legal counsel, the Stratford Police and Canadian Centre for Cyber Security.

The Town is now working with cyber incident response experts to investigate the source of the incident, restore its back up data and assess the impacts on its information, if any.

Critical municipal services, such as fire, police, transit and water/wastewater were unaffected by the incident and are operating as usual.

Questions about the incident can be directed to [email protected] or 519-284-2340.