Home Ranch News Russeldale Intersection Improvement Discussion Continues

Russeldale Intersection Improvement Discussion Continues


Discussion continues on improvements at the Russeldale intersection.

The intersection of Highway 23 and Perth Line 20 has seen vehicle collisions being more regular.

Stats from the Ministry of Transportation show around 3500 vehicles travel through each day and have seen 13 collisions from 2011-2019 resulting in 2 deaths.

Neighbours in the area have expressed their concerns saying drivers don’t stop or wait long enough for traffic.

While some studies have shown a roundabout as the safest option for the intersection, ministry staff are still looking into other options such as intersection widening or installing traffic lights.

The ministry is carrying out a study for improvements and will evaluate alternatives and make recommendations on improvements.

Anyone looking for additional comments or information can contact those below

Colton Horan, P.Eng.
MTO Project Engineer
659 Exeter Road, 3rd Floor
London, ON N6E 1L3
tel: 519-860-3787
e-mail: [email protected]

Dan Green, P.Eng.
GHD Project Manager
455 Phillip Street
Waterloo, ON N2L 3X2
tel: 519-340-4374
e-mail: [email protected]