Home Ranch News Remember 59 Dance Fundraiser for Memorial Arena Park

Remember 59 Dance Fundraiser for Memorial Arena Park


Fundraising has continued for the Listowel Memorial Arena Park which now into September has reached just beyond the half way mark of its goal of $1.4 million.

To help continue to reach their goal, the committee behind the project is holding a Hockey Party at Parkview Gardens on October 14th.

Committee Member for the Memorial Park project, Kate Tervit says not only did the tragedy of 1959 affect the entire community but it also brought in change across the country.

“There was actually an inquiry across Canada which changed all of the regulations for arenas being built because of what happened that day.” said Tervit.

Those looking for tickets can purchase them at Corley Sports, Ideal Supply or by contacting any committee member.

The party will be entirely hockey themed with those attending encouraged to wear their hockey sweaters.

A silent auction will also be held with a hockey theme which includes NHL teams donating jerseys, OHL tickets and an autographed 2022 Canadian women’s Olympic hockey jersey.