Home Ranch News Preventing Flooding in Harriston Comes with Large Pricetag

Preventing Flooding in Harriston Comes with Large Pricetag

Doing nothing itself also has a large pricetag should a large flood occur


The Town of Minto in last nights council meeting discussed plans on flood reduction in Harriston.

The pricetag to prevent flooding in Harriston isn’t cheap either. Depending on which route to take, the cost could run anywhere from 2-38 million. Different variants and routes were brought up, from doing nothing which current flooding could affect 167 properties to diverting the Maitland River around Harriston greatly reducing the number of floods.

Costs of doing nothing even has its own hidden pricetag as a major flood could result in millions worth of damage.

Proposed projects could take nearly 20 years to complete and was clear to council, is not possible without provincial or federal support.

The flood report for Harriston can be viewed here