Home Ranch News OPP Looking for Suspects After Break and Enter in Listowel

OPP Looking for Suspects After Break and Enter in Listowel

Two suspects stole wire and cables at a value of $5000


Perth County OPP are looking for suspects after a break and enter from a business in North Perth.

On December 13th, police received a report of a break and enter which occurred the night before at around 3:45am at a business on Rocher Road in Listowel.

Suspects had cut off padlocks of storage areas and stole wire and cables at a value of $5000. Two suspects were seen leaving in a light coloured pick up truck.

One suspect was wearing a green hooded sweater with dark pants and the other in a grey hooded coat, blue jeans and light brown work boots.

Anyone with information is asked to contact OPP at 1-888-310-1122.