Home Ranch News Off-Road Vehicle Season Opens Up

Off-Road Vehicle Season Opens Up

North Perth approved bylaw to allow off road vehicles on municipal owned roads last year


April 1st marks a big day for many off-roaders as the season has opened up.

Council made the move earlier last year to permit the use of off-road vehicles on municipally owned roads, giving riders the extra avenue of enjoyment.

Safety and obeying the law is still among the importance for riders as Shawn Thompson, President of the North Perth & District ATV Club says safety is always number one.

“Wear your helmet, do your pre-ride inspection. You have to be at least 16 years old, hold a valid G2 or M2 and travel at the speeds that are posted.” said Thompson.

Thompson adds its a bit quiet for plans with the club but some chats about fundraisers continue.

“We’re trying to get some fundraisers going, we’re just mulling it over with our team. We’re always looking to have people sit at the table with us and get a member form done up and go from there.”

For more information on riding across North Perth such as keeping up to date with the local bylaws visit the North Perth & District ATV Club Facebook Page.

To learn more about the bylaw passed earlier last year, ORV bylaw