Home Ranch News NWMO Completes Pre-Drilling Water Well Testing at Potential DGR

NWMO Completes Pre-Drilling Water Well Testing at Potential DGR

NWMO offering private water well monitoring program to nearby landowners


The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has completed pre-drilling water well testing and sampling at the potential deep geological repository site in Tesswater.

18 private water wells were tested within a 500 meter radius of the borehole sites. NWMO has reached out to nearby landowners regarding testing of private water wells as part of their Environmental Baseline Monitoring Program.

NWMO has heard from the community regarding expanded water well testing and are now offering an expanded private water well monitoring program to those nearby the potential DGR site.

The monitoring program which is completely voluntary for landowners, will have all costs covered.

Residents and landowners near the potential DGR site will get extra information soon on how they can participate in the private water well monitoring program.