Home Ranch News North Wellington Ec Dev Partnership launches Jobs & Housing Portal

North Wellington Ec Dev Partnership launches Jobs & Housing Portal

Minto and Wellington North had been running own sites for jobs and housing for 5 years


The Northern Wellington Economic Development Partnership announced in a press release today the launch of the Northern Wellington Jobs & Housing Portal at nwjobsandhousing.ca.

For 5 years the Town of Minto and the Township of Wellington North have each had their own jobs and housing sites. Last year, as they both looked for ways to find efficiencies, combining these portals and adding the Township of Mapleton as part of the partership was identified as an opportunity.

The portal will offer multi-faceted solutions such as:

  • a one stop solution for job seekers for Mapleton, Minto and Wellington North.
  • resources tabs that direct job seekers to supports in the area that will provide guidance and resources when applying
  • interactive map displaying home, commercial and job listings
  • equal playing field for large, small and private businesses as well as realtors and those with private rental listings
  • mobile friendly options allowing job and housing searches on mobile phones, tablets or desktop computers