Home Ranch News North Perth Council Looking Into Downtown Façade Improvement

North Perth Council Looking Into Downtown Façade Improvement


At last nights meeting, North Perth council received an update from Lee Barich on a façade improvement program & downtown commercial design.

The program would help local downtown business owners in Listowel, Atwood and Monkton to improve their exterior store front.

There are 2 intake plans for funding with the first intake in February, the 2nd intake on June 1st . Lee Barich explains how the division of funds in each intake.

“Intake 1 starting February 1st. The funds will be allocated to the 60-20-20 split. Intake 2 will take place June 1st. Funding will be available for business across the downtowns, regardless of which downtown community they operate in.’ said Barich

This year the intake will not be considered for to 60-20-20 split which has Listowel having 60 percent of the funding and Monkton and Atwood with 20 percent.