Home Ranch News North Huron Affordable Housing Facing Some Initial Issues

North Huron Affordable Housing Facing Some Initial Issues

Housing issue starts with nowhere for housebuilders to be


Trying to be a first time home owner is not easy in todays market prices.

In Huron-Perth alone the average household is selling nearly $500,000 and affordable housing is far and few in-between. Huron County is attempting to fix the issue by working on getting more affordable housing for first time buyers but as Bernie Bailey, Reeve of North Huron says, the issue even starts with builders.

“It is at a point where we actually need to build houses to put the housebuilders in so they can build houses. There is just no housing here at all.” said Bailey

Bailey added when it comes to building new houses, it will be up to council to decide what will be built in each sub-division.