Home Ranch News Mount Forest Dairy Farm Convicted in 2019 Incident

Mount Forest Dairy Farm Convicted in 2019 Incident


A Mount Forest dairy farm has been convicted in Guelph court and has been fined $62,505 due to liquid manure from the farm being found washed into a ditch and finding its way into Bethel Creek.

The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks say the result may impair the quality of the water.

The incident dates back to 2019 when between September 11th and 12th an automatic valve on a cattle waterer broke causing water to run until staff returned the farm.

The flow of water overwhelmed the manure collection system and washed liquid manure out of the barn.

Staff was eventually able to contain and stop the flow from the barn the replaced the broken valve.

Alette Holstein Ltd was convicted of one violation under the Ontario Water Resources Act and fined $50,000 as well as a victim surcharge of $12,500 and given one year to pay.