Home Ranch News Minto Youth Action Council Set to Return In Person

Minto Youth Action Council Set to Return In Person

Meeting set in Palmerston August 10th in person


The Minto Youth Action Council has come back to get youth more involved in the community.

Melanie Therrien, Youth and Wellness Coordinator for the Town of Minto says during their recent info session on top of chatting all about the action council, they also highlighted the new youth building in Palmerston.

“We talked a lot about the IYSN in Palmerston, the new youth hub we just opened. We hope to have our next meeting there in person.” said Therrien

Therrien adding their next meeting they hope to have indoors but are prepared to head outside if the demand is high.

“We may make the switch the venue to outdoors just to properly social distance. We’re also looking to get into the IYSN and show everything that we offer.”

The next planned meeting for the Minto Youth Action Council for those interested can join at the IYSN building in Palmerston on 390 Main Street East on August 10th from 6-7:30pm.

For more information contact Melanie at [email protected]