Home Ranch News LWHA Facing Continued Issues of Staff Shortages

LWHA Facing Continued Issues of Staff Shortages

Limits in staff seen in nursing, physicians and lab techs


A report from the Board of Directors Meeting for the month from the Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance says the limits of staff continue to be the largest of challenges for the health care system.

This is expected to continue according to officials from hospitals across the southwest.

The board says in small hospitals the biggest of staff shortages are seen in nursing, physicians and laboratory technicians.

This limit of staff has led to a greater risk of service reduction or closures.

Hospitals across the area have seen such reductions such as not offering 24/7 emergency services.

Hospitals in both Listowel and Wingham have access to funding from the COVID-19 Temporary Summer Locum Program for ER shifts from June to September 5th.