Home Ranch News Local Schools Ranked Across the Province

Local Schools Ranked Across the Province


The Fraser Institute has released its annual rankings of secondary schools in the province.

This year saw 689 public, catholic and independent schools ranked based on a series of academic factors coming from provincewide test results and given a score out of 10.

Listowel District Secondary School was ranked 443 on the list with a score of 5.6.

The report also notes 72.8 per cent of LDSS students passed the grade 10 literacy test on their first attempt.

Norwell Secondary in Palmerston was ranked 516 with a score of 5 showing 73.3 per cent of students passing the literacy test on their first go.

In Wingham at FE Madill Secondary, they came in at 580 with a score of 4.3 per cent with 73.1 per cent of students passing the literacy test on their first attempt.