Home Ranch News Huron County OPP report results from Civic Long Weekend Campaign

Huron County OPP report results from Civic Long Weekend Campaign

No drivers charged under Ontario's Move Over Law for emergency vehicles and tow trucks


The recent Civic Day Long Weekend traffic safety campaign has wrapped up and Huron County OPP is reporting the campaign was a success.

Police investigated 6 reportable vehicle collisions during the campaign.

2 were caused by impaired drivers, 2 by careless inattentive driving and the other 2 were of no fault to the driver.

Two involved serious injuries while 2 others were minor. A total of 57 drivers were charged with speeding during the campaign, 2 drivers with stunt driving, 1 impaired and 1 in the warning range.

No drivers were charged under Ontario’s Move Over law requiring drivers to slow down and proceed with caution when passing parked emergency vehicles or tow trucks.