Home Ranch News Harriston Rising Host Tie-Dye Nights Next Week

Harriston Rising Host Tie-Dye Nights Next Week

Two nights hosted August 3rd and 5th


Tie-Dye shirt and trivia nights are taking place next week in part with Harriston Rising.

The event dubbed “Dying for a Night Out – Tie Dye and Trivia” will be hosted at the Harriston Arena Pavilion on August 3rd at 6:30pm. The night will include snacks, water and crafting supplies.

The cost for the night is $15 for adult sized shirts and $10 for kids.

On August 5th the tie-dye night will be hosted at Harry Stones and include dinner. Tickets for the Harry Stones night is $35.

Space is limited for both nights and can be purchased from Eventbrite.