Home Ranch News Grey Bruce Region moves to Modified Step 3 of Reopening

Grey Bruce Region moves to Modified Step 3 of Reopening

Region will enter a modified version of Step 3 which maintains some limits of Step 2


The Grey Bruce heath Unit is moving to a modified Step 3 of the Plan to Reopen due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

While Step 3 has traditionally relaxed restrictions on the number that can gather the Grey Bruce Health Unit is recommending current limits on private gathering maintain the same locally.

This means in that region gatherings will be limited at 5 indoors and 25 outdoors.

The public is recommended to only dine outdoors. Workplaces and workers are asked to follow all health measures, especially in gyms, cinemas and fast food locations.

Also urged to follow all health guidelines are church services and wedding receptions.

Personal service settings and salons will continue to require masks to be worn as in Step 2.

You can view further details and updates at the Grey Bruce Health Unit website below.
