Home Ranch News Grey Bruce Health Unit announce next weeks vaccine clinics to continue

Grey Bruce Health Unit announce next weeks vaccine clinics to continue

Doses from delayed planned but non booked clinic has been redirected to high-risk congregate settings


In response to declaring a critical threshold of Covid-19 cases in Grey Bruce, the Health Unit has redeployed staff and resources to address this critical juncture.

All currently scheduled vaccine clinics are still proceeding. A contingency plan was designed to reallocate more vaccines to high-risk congregate settings such as shelters to protect these vulnerable groups.

One large-scale vaccine clinic (planned but not booked with clients) was deferred to next week. Those vaccines have been redirected to residents in shelters and congregate settings where the risk of transmission is higher during the current surge in cases. A mobile team are providing the vaccine to 42 of these settings by April 20th.

All vaccines delivered to the Grey Bruce Health Unit are administered int he same week they are received, with a small carry over quantity used for any clinics scheduled early the following week.

Grey Bruce Public Health has administered 46,285 doses with 8051 doses administered in the last 7 days. They have reached 69% of people over the age of 70 and 30% of the eligible population have received their first dose of the vaccine.