Home Ranch News Grant Opportunities Now Available For Perth County Businesses

Grant Opportunities Now Available For Perth County Businesses

Over $135,000 in grant money is available


Perth County Tourism alongside RTO4 are now offering grant opportunities for Perth County Businesses.

Over $135,000 in grant money is available between the Tourism Adaption and Recovery Program and the Technology Investment Program. Perth County Tourism Officer, Ashley Brockelbank says local businesses should always keep their eyes out, support during these times are almost always available.

“We’re always encouraging our local businesses to stay up to date on funding programs that are available. There are plenty out there right now to help our businesses.” said Brockelbank

She added small businesses in Perth County offer so much to its residents and giving back is the least they can do.

“Those businesses are doing everything they can to help us in our community get through this. It’s great being able to give back to them.”

Applications for grants are due February 1st and can be filed out on PerthCounty.ca/BusinessGrants