Home Ranch News EarlyON Programs and Playrooms announce vaccination Requirement

EarlyON Programs and Playrooms announce vaccination Requirement

Requirement is in accordance with the Province and Public Health


The Municipality of North Perth announced today that in accordance with the Provincial requirements and by recommendation of Huron Perth Public Health all users of EarlyON programs or playrooms in the municipality must show proof of full vaccination as of this Wednesday.

This means 2 doses of vaccine plus 14 days since second dose received along with a proof of ID card upon entry.

There are 2 permitted exemptions to this policy; those who cannot receive the vaccine due to medical exemption and have a valid note from a registered physician or nurse practitioner, or children under the age of 12 who are unable to receive the vaccination due to age restrictions.

Residents are able to download and print their second dose vaccination receipt from the Province’s Covid-19 website at https://covid19.ontariohealth.ca/