Home Ranch News Coupon Book Promotes Saving and Shopping Local in Listowel

Coupon Book Promotes Saving and Shopping Local in Listowel

Coupon book features a variety of deals at local businesses


There are many ways to support local and its made even easier with the help of the 2022 Coupon Savings Book in town.

The coupon book, made by Spectrum is available for $100 and has well over $3500 in savings from local shops with proceeds going back to local businesses which have seen the worst of the worst over the pandemic.

Alan McArthur, the man behind the coupon book says the idea all came from wanting to keep the community positive through continued rough times.

“I really wanted to take a positive approach on this and try to support the community. All the small businesses who submitted coupons for nothing, it was free to do so for these businesses.” said McArthur.

On top of the savings, there is also chances to win shop local dollars and earn your money spent back.

“You’re getting well over $3500 in savings. We have a couple random draws for $100 Chamber dollars, $100 to any of the participating business so you could even win back your money.”

For more information or to purchase your own coupon book, you can message the Listowel Squash Courts page over Facebook or call or text Alan at 226-339-0883.

Coupon books are also available at certain businesses such as Dynafit, Spectrum, NewU and LiveFit.