Home Ranch News Bowl for Kids Sake with Listowel Big Brothers Big Sisters

Bowl for Kids Sake with Listowel Big Brothers Big Sisters


Bowl for Kids Sake with Big Brothers Big Sister of Listowel is quickly approaching.

Teams can register of up to 4-6 bowlers for all ages and fundraise to help support Big Brothers Big Sisters and their youth and mentoring programs in the community.

This year taking place at Molesworth Bowling Lanes, there are different days to take part, April 27th, the 28th and April 30th.

Emily Yaeger with Big Brothers Big Sisters says they’ve seen much local support for prizes.

“We are super fortunate we have a lot of amazing local businesses who have contributed a variety of different types of prizes, we have gift cards, different gift sets and those go to our top fundraisers.” said Yaeger.

This year takes on the theme Blockbuster Bash with those taking part encouraged to dress as movie or tv characters.

The fundraising goal for this years event is $20,000.

More information is available here.