Home Ranch News Art Lovers in Stratford Invited to Public Engagement for Art this Saturday

Art Lovers in Stratford Invited to Public Engagement for Art this Saturday

Community Engagement set for this Saturday from 11 am until 5pm. Visitors will be able to tour various sites in the Festival City and assist with developing public art plan.


Art lovers in Stratford will get to have their say on the artistic voice of the City with an upcoming event set for this weekend.

The Downtown Stratford BIA has appointed Sustainable Thinking and Expression on Public Space or STEPS for short to help it develop a Public Art Plan.

The plan the city outlines should reflect the history and future of the Stratford community in an engaging and thought-provoking way and aim to enliven the experience of the downtown area for both residents and visitors.

The community engagement activities are art series that reflect the present and future of Public Art in Downtown Stratford with an aim to engage the City’s diverse communities, question their relationship to Public Art and explore the vision and aspirations of the art initiatives in the City.

The Community Engagement is set for this Saturday, August 6th from 11 am until 5pm. Visitors will be able to take part in such events as Weave your Voice on Veterans Drive Parkland, the Meaning of Public Art at Land of Youth beside the CIBC, Play for Public Art at the same location from 11:30 until 2:10 and the Colour Your Future Mural at Market Square.

For more information and to register for updates on this Saturday’s events and anything more about the cause you can visit stepspublicart.org.