Home Ranch News Andrea Charest and Manny Coelho “This is Home”

Andrea Charest and Manny Coelho “This is Home”

Listowel Legion to match donations up to $1000


Starting tomorrow at 8am, Andrea Charest and Manny Coelho will be outside the Listowel branch of the North Perth Public Library for 24 straight hours.

Donations are being accepted as part of the “This is Home” campaign with a goal of $2400, Armed with only what It Takes a Village would provide for those in need, Manny Coelho says he wants this to be as realistic as possible when it comes to living on the streets.

“I want this to be as real as it could be and as honest as it could be so that we can explain to people how it is. We need to take that initiative and invest into people in our community.” said Coelho

Andrea Charest says the financial support has been great but the reality of homelessness the community faces is whats pushing her to keep going.

“There have been some amazing financial donations. That aside the awareness piece and the education piece I think is what compels Manny and I to keep moving forward.”

The Listowel Legion has pledged their support for the cause, matching donations for It Takes a Village up to $1000.