Home Ranch News Upcoming Webinar Discusses Hidden Obstacles of Women in Business

Upcoming Webinar Discusses Hidden Obstacles of Women in Business

Topics discussed will include review of common & hidden blocks to success, reflecting on ones getting in the way, identification of most important step to removing barriers stopping women from achieving the success they want in life.


There is a webinar on Wednesday, April 27th that is set to discuss the hidden obstacles that women face in business.

The event is being organized by Wellington Waterloo Community Futures and sponsored by the County of Huron Economic Development, the Huron Manufacturing Association, and Community Futures Huron.

Topics discussed will include a review of the common and hidden blocks to success, reflecting on the ones that are getting in the way, there will be identification of the most important step to removing barriers that are stopping women from achieving the success they want in life.

To register to attend the webinar that starts at noon and runs until 1pmĀ  you can visit the link below.
