Home Ranch News John Nater Sworn in as Perth-Wellington MP

John Nater Sworn in as Perth-Wellington MP

House of Commons to resume on November 22nd

John Nater Swearing in ceremony/ Cérémonie d'assermentation Ottawa, ONTARIO, on 26 October, 2021. © HOC-CDC Credit: Mathieu Girard, House of Commons Photo Services

John Nater has been sworn in as Perth-Wellington’s Member of Parliament.

Charles Robert, Clerk of the House of Commons administered the Oath of Allegiance during a ceremony which took place in Parliament’s historic West Block.

“I, John Nater do solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.”

Nater in a release saying he will remain focused on the issues raised by residents in Perth-Wellington such as agriculture, health care, supporting local businesses, rural internet access and the rising cost of housing.

The House of Commons is scheduled to resume on November 22nd with the election of the Speaker of the House of Commons and the Throne Speech.