Home Ranch News Wellington County Looking Into Various County Roads

Wellington County Looking Into Various County Roads

All recommendations to be considered at future county council meeting


Wellington County staff have made recommendations to what officials call problematic traffic corridors across 15 county roads.

Measures such as speed limit changes, new pedestrian crossings, automated speed enforcement cameras and specific changes to roads designed to slow down traffic such as curb extensions have been recommended.

Speed limit changes have varied from increases of 10km/hour to decreases of 10-20km/hr. Two roads recommended to drop speed limits include Wellington Road 41 near Arkell and Wellington Road 50 east of Rockwood.

Automated speed enforcement cameras are recommended on roads such as Wellington Road 18 in Fergus and Wellington Road 11 in Drayton.

All decisions would need to be budgeted and approved by council which will be addressed in a future county council meeting