Home Ranch News Huron Perth adds 21 new Covid-19 cases today. Wellington County adds 2.

Huron Perth adds 21 new Covid-19 cases today. Wellington County adds 2.

Increase in cases in South Huron partly due to outbreak at Exeter Villa


Huron Perth Public Health reported 21 new cases of Covid 19 in the region today. In Huron there were 15 in South Huron, 2 in North Huron and 1 in Huron East. In Perth there was 2 in North Perth and 1 in Perth East and Stratford. 1 case was reassigned to another health unit.

The sudden increase of cases in South Huron is partly due to an outbreak at the Exeter Villa Long Term Care Home. There are now 38 active cases at facility. 31 in residents and 7 in staff.

Other outbreaks in long term care include Braemar Nursing Home in Wingham with 2 cases in staff, Hillside Manor just outside Sebringville with 1 staff case and Seaforth Manor also with 1 staff case.

In terms of Retirement homes Exeter Villa has 1 resident case and Livingstone Manor here in Listowel has 2 residents and 1 staff case.

Active cases in the region sit at 107.

Wellington County reported 2 new cases in their region. As a whole Wellington Dufferin Guelph added 76. Active cases in Wellington County sit at 73.