Home Ranch News 3 Youth charged with break & enter at Guelph Lake Conservation Area

3 Youth charged with break & enter at Guelph Lake Conservation Area

Accused broke into building on the property of the Conservation Area


On February 28th at approximately 2pm the Wellington County OPP responded to a report of a break and enter in progress at a building located on the property of the Guelph Lake Conservation Area in the Township of Guelph-Eramosa.

It was reported that three suspects broke into a building and caused extensive property damage.

Upon Police arrival, 3 youth were arrested at the scene.

A 16 year old and 2 15 year old youths from Guelph have bene charged with break and enter, mischief and destroying or damaging property and possession of break-in instruments.

The 16 year old was also charged with carrying a concealed weapon.

The accused are scheduled to appear in the Ontario Youth Court in Guelph at a later date to answer to the charges.