Home Ranch News 1 in 5 American Dairy Farms Use Banned Hormone in Canada

1 in 5 American Dairy Farms Use Banned Hormone in Canada

Canadian dairy will always have blue label


The question, can Canadians trust what’s in milk from American dairy?

Turns out one in five US Dairy Farms use a hormone called Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin, also known as rBST, which is banned in Canada. The horomone is injected into cows to allow them to produce more milk, the horomone was banned for use in Canada back in the 90’s over concerns for cow safety.

There is no harm in consuming milk from cows which have been injected with this hormone, though some still want a label on those American dairy who use rBST on their cows.

Anyone looking to support Canadian dairy farmers should look for the Dairy Farmers of Canada label.