Home Ranch News WOWSA partnering with Saugeen Connects to launch Advancing Women Economically Webinar Series.

WOWSA partnering with Saugeen Connects to launch Advancing Women Economically Webinar Series.

Webinar Series to help Rural Women Gain Entrepreneurial Skills & Business Leadership


Woman of Wellington & Saugeen Area are partnering with Saugeen Connects to launch the Advancing Women Economically Webinar Series.

The Entrepreneurial Skills & Business Leadership for Rural Woman Lunchtime Learning starts Monday January 25th and runs for 10 weeks from 11 an until 1pm.

Participants who attend all 10 weeks will receive 500 dollars to overcome barriers and invest in their future.

For more information visit saugeenconnects.com or call toll free 1-877-335-7332.