Home Ranch News Wellington Terrace Residents receive 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine Today

Wellington Terrace Residents receive 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine Today

All residents at the facility who wanted it received a vaccination. 95% of residents vaccinated.


Residents of Wellington Terrace Long Term Care Home in Fergus received their second and final dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine today. All residents wishing to receive the vaccine have now been vaccinated.

Warden Kelly Linton says of the significant milestone that 95% of residents have now been vaccinated. She goes on to thank Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health and their staff for assisting in the effort.

The facility wide outbreak at Wellington Terrace has now officially been declared over. The status had been in effect at the facility since December 12th.

Staff at Wellington Terrace are tested every 7 days as per Ministry of Health directives. Any resident or employee that shows even the slightest evidence of a health change is immediately tested for Covid-19.