Home Ranch News Wellington Terrace Program Wins Award

Wellington Terrace Program Wins Award


Wellington Terrace Long Term Care Home in Fergus has taken an award for their wish fulfillment program.

The award was given on Friday at the AdvantAge Ontario annual awards luncheon for the care homes Wellington Wishes program was given the Supporting Seniors award for its positive outcomes, innovation, inspiration and identifiable benefits.

Wellington Wishes helps seniors in their care plan special events.

“A huge part of this program is empowering residents living at the Terrace, who will spend the last years, weeks, and moments of their lives with us,” said Tiffany Wurdell, the Terrace’s Life Enrichment Manager. “Through Wellington Wishes, we give residents the opportunity to pick an adventure or activity that helps them to feel fulfilled, find joy, and know that their personal interests and wants matter to their caregivers.”

Since the program started in 2022, 11 wishes have been granted with around 14 planned this year.

Previous wishes granted with the program include attending hockey games and a 71st anniversary celebration.