Home Ranch News Wellington OPP investigating Numerous Reports of Vehicles Not Stopping for Buses in...

Wellington OPP investigating Numerous Reports of Vehicles Not Stopping for Buses in Erin

Police say they will be targeting area of Wellington Road 124 near Trafalgar Road in Erin and advise it caries set fine of $490 on conviction.


The Wellington County OPP say they are actively investigating serial traffic complaints on Wellington Road 124 near Trafalgar Road in Erin.

They say there have been numerous reports of vehicles failing to stop for school buses that are stopped with their overhead lights activated and stop arm extended, during the boarding of students.

Police remind all that passing a bus during boarding can be hazardous to students and caries a fine of $490 upon conviction.

Police say they will actively be targeting this area and encourage anyone with information relating to these offences to call police.