Home Ranch News Wellington North Defeats Staff Recommendation on Land Severance

Wellington North Defeats Staff Recommendation on Land Severance


Wellington North has has defeated a staff recommendation which advised council to not support an application from Red Maple Land Company.

The applicant was looking to sever a prime agricultural land property located in Arthur on 8648 Highway 6.

Provincial and county land use policy does not allow the creation of any residential lot on prime agricultural land, which the applicant was looking build a home on the land.

Councilor Steve McCabe who voted in favour of the severance says he’s lived in the area for most of his life and the land in question doesn’t seem like prime ag land at all.

“It’s never had any crop on it that I can remember and the owner has never cropped it because its sub-par scrub brush.” said McCabe

McCabe adds this is the best use of the land.

“It’s probably the best use for it because it hasn’t been used for as long as I know. At least he’s going to use that piece of property, it just makes sense.”

With the vote however, the decision on the severance will still fall onto the County Land Division Committee.