Home Ranch News Wellington County Looking Into ORV Bylaw on County Roads

Wellington County Looking Into ORV Bylaw on County Roads

Erin only municipality in the county with an ORV bylaw


The County of Wellington is next in line around the region as they look into allowing off-road vehicles (ORV) such as ATV’s on county roads.

This would help the already six of seven municipalities within Wellington which already allow the use of ORV on their township roads, but the use of them is not permitted on county owned arteries which have more traffic and an increased speed.

A report from the county roads committee during a recent meeting says it should stay that way.

Puslinch Mayor James Seeley says those with ORV should be allowed on county roads as based on current regulations they can get tickets for driving from their home to nearby trails on a nearby property, which Seeley says riders are doing safely.

Erin is the only municpaity in Wellington where ORV’s aren’t allowed on township roads but its being considered to allow the change.

County staff will wait on the decision from Erin before going forward with a bylaw across all of Wellington.