Home Ranch News Wellington Attainable Housing Disturbing to Minto Councilor

Wellington Attainable Housing Disturbing to Minto Councilor

Jean Anderson noting youth have no place to go and seniors can't downsize


A report of Wellington County’s attainable housing strategy has shocked some in Minto.

Crystal Ellis who serves as Minto’s Economic Development Director noted the average household in Minto is around $88,000 and based on the report, attainable housing is considered around 30% of the average household income – in this case, $2,200 a month.

Councilor Jean Anderson said the attainable housing report is fascinating while also disturbing. Anderson adding you cannot find a Minto home for sale at $300,000.

Anderson noted its near impossible for youth in the area to find a home while seniors can’t find a place to downsize.

Attainable housing has been a large discussion in Wellington County. Centre Wellington’s Healthy Growth Advisory Committee has looked into the issue, early on not sugar coating their words saying some of their residents can’t afford a home, let alone even rent.