Home Ranch News Vaughan Developer Looking to Building New Community New Wilmot

Vaughan Developer Looking to Building New Community New Wilmot

Special Council Meeting tonight requesting support for MZO to Rezone Land.


Wilmot Council is being asked to support a proposed Ministerial Zoning Order that would green light the conversion of agricultural land for the development of 1200 units of housing including at least 850 apartments.

The land is near the corner of Nafziger Road and Snyder’s Road and the request for support is from Cache Developments Inc.

The request is to be discussed at the Wilmot Township Council meeting tonight although it won’t be decided on until their next regular meeting later in January.

The development, entitled Wilmot Village, would include a mix of residential, commercial and employment areas along with parks, trails and space for a future transit hub.

The meeting is expected to kick off at 5pm tonight. For more information visit the Township of Wilmot website below.
