Home Ranch News UTRCA 2022 Watershed Report Card

UTRCA 2022 Watershed Report Card


The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority has released their report card on environmental conditions in 28 watersheds across their authority.

In 2022, the water quality grades came in from C to D. Since 2021’s report card water quality has improved in 5 watersheds, remained steady in 21 and dropped in two.

Forest conditions for the watersheds ranged from C to F. Eleven watersheds saw improvements with the help of young tree plantations reaching maturity.

13 forests were steady with 4 on declines.

“In this region, watersheds face on-going pressures from population growth, development, weather extremes, and other impacts, so maintaining the status quo in stream quality can be a measure of progress,” said Craig Irwin, UTRCA Water Quality Specialist.

“Improving the overall watershed health is always the goal, though, to support healthy communities for people and wildlife and build resilience in the face of climate change.”

Recommendations for improvements include working with municipalities, landowners and community groups.

The report card and breakdown of the watersheds is available here.