Home Ranch News Usborne Township’s Bob Down adds $10,000 to Family Fund at South Huron...

Usborne Township’s Bob Down adds $10,000 to Family Fund at South Huron Vitality Fund

The decision to give back he says came from something his father told him about giving back to the community because of what it has given him.


Bob Down, a longtime Agriculturalist who grew up on a family farm in Usborne Township, has added funds to a fund within the South Huron Vitality Fund that he founded in 2019.

The decision to give back he says came from something his father told him about giving back to the community because of what it has given him.

He recently added an additional $10,000 to it.

Down farmed on land that his great-great grandfather received from the Canada Company back in 1848.

He raised hogs and cattle, and grew livestock feed, and cash crops. He and his late wife Pat raised 4 daughters, Patti, Barb, Cyndi and Deb.

All born within 6 years.

After graduating from Ridgetown College, Down was recruited to serve in the coop movement locally and provincially.

He also provided his wisdom to the Corn Producers Board and other farm organizations.

He eventually served on the national board of Cooperators Insurance.

Tom Prout, Chair of the South Huron Vitality Fund says they’re delighted that Bob has chosen to add to his Family Fund.

He adds that his generosity reflects the true spirit of their Community Fund and will make a difference for many years to come.