Home Ranch News Upper Grand & Wellington Catholic School Boards Pausing Grade 9 EQAO

Upper Grand & Wellington Catholic School Boards Pausing Grade 9 EQAO

EQAO not a requirement for graduation


Both the Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Catholic District School Board are going to pause the grade 9 EQAO assessment for the current school year.

Grade 9 EQAO is an assessment of mathematics for students and is not a requirement for graduation.

It is instead an assessment of the provincial education system’s performance on how the province is developing students math skills.

Like other schools across the province, students returned to in person learning this week though some staggered on the day due to the winter storm which blew across the province.

The added strain on remote learning over the pandemic prompted the decision from both school boards to remove the assessment.

The assessment is not to be confused with the Grade 10 literacy test which is a required component for secondary school graduation.