Home Ranch News Upper Grand Board offering Virtual Stress Management Program for Kids 8 to...

Upper Grand Board offering Virtual Stress Management Program for Kids 8 to 12 Years Old

There are 2 groups of sessions being offered on Thursdays starting January 12th; 4:30 to 5:30 pm and 6 until 7 pm. Space is limited.


The Upper Grand District School Board shared word of a virtual after-school program for kids 8 to 12 on the topic of stress management and well-being.

Stress Busters was designed from Psychology Canada and is an evidence-based Kinds have Street Too! Program with an added peer-to-peer support component to help kids put their learning into practice.

Topics covered include what is stress is and how it impacts us, stressful situations and ways to cope, learning to react more positively, breaking down problems to address proactively, and exploring creative self-expression.

There are 2 groups of sessions being offered on Thursdays.

4:30 to 5:30 and 6 until 7 from January 12th to March 2nd.

For more information and to register your child to attend you can visit the link below.

Help support your child’s stress management and well-being