Home Ranch News Updated Smoke Alarms Prove Life Saving After Perth South Fire Early Friday

Updated Smoke Alarms Prove Life Saving After Perth South Fire Early Friday

Perth East/West Perth Fire Chief Hunter also says to practice a Home Escape Plan often.


A Perth South Family is thanking the fact their newly built home had updated smoke detector and carbon monoxide alarm with strobe lights for saving their lives.

Fire fighters from Perth East with assistance from the St. Marys Fire Department were called to a fire at a home on Perth Line 20 in St. Pauls Station in Perth South Late Thursday.

Perth East West Perth Fire Chief Bill Hunter says the difference between making it out and not may be the difference between a standard fire detector and the type now required in newer built homes.

“Any home that has been built since 2015 they have to have what we call a combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm with a built-in strobe. So if the unit starts alarming it beeps and a very, very bright strobe light starts to flash.”

So far in the Province of Ontario in January there have been 17 losses of life as a result of home fires. All of which, says Fire Chief Hunter, were preventable.