Home Ranch News Updated results of Traffic Safety Inforcement in Rockwood

Updated results of Traffic Safety Inforcement in Rockwood

3 charges were laid over the course of the initiative


Yesterday members of the Wellington County OPP Traffic Management Unit conducted a targeted Traffic Safety Enforcement Initiative in Rockwood.

It primarily targeted the “Big 4” offences (speed/aggressive drive, distracted driving/impaired driving and seatbelt usage) which are the most common contributing factors to death, serious injury and property damage on our roads and highways.

This enforcement initiative is a direct response to community concerns about unsafe driving practices in the community and was conducted in conjunction with “Black Cat” speed studies in the area.

Officers also conducted a RIDE Check in the community along with proactive patrols at local elementary schools at the beginning and end of the school day.

Officers laid a total of 39 charges during the course of the initative:

15 Speeding

9 Disobey Stop Sign

4 Failure to Properly Wear Seatbelt

1 Distracted Driving

1 Failure to Stop for Red Light

8 Other Provincial Statutes

1 Operation of an unsafe vehicle