Home Ranch News United Way ‘Urgent Needs Fund’ supports newly vulnerable

United Way ‘Urgent Needs Fund’ supports newly vulnerable

Pandemic is creating a new group of vulnerable individuals who never has used support


The current pandemic has put pressure on already vulnerable individuals and families, but it is also creating a new group of vulnerable people who have never needed assistance before but now find themselves struggling due to the impacts of Covid-19.

UWPH works in partnership with the City of Stratford Social Services Department and Huron County Social & Property Services acting as the administrators to get funds in the hands of those in need.

Not only do individuals have the chance to access the Urgent Needs Fund, but also the fund administrators connect individuals with other municipal services and supports that could help.

Since it was created in 2020 the Urgent Needs Fund has provided over $100,000 to over 700 people across Huron and Perth for immediate, pressing needs such as paying bills, buying groceries and car repairs.

You can download an application at perthhuron.unitedway.ca

Perth residents can submit applications via email to [email protected] or drop them off to Social Services, 1st floor, 82 Erie Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 2M4

In Huron you can email applications to [email protected] or drop off or mail to Huron County Social and Property Services, 77722D London Road, RR5, Clinton, Ontario, N0M 1L0.

If anyone needs assistance call Social Services directly at 519-271-3773 ex. 277 in Perth and 519-482-8505 ex. 4501 in Huron.