Home Ranch News United Way Perth-Huron Releases Supportive Housing Report

United Way Perth-Huron Releases Supportive Housing Report

Around 208 in the region are experiencing homelessness


The Social Research & Planning Council for United Way Perth-Huron has released a new report which looks at the #UNIGNORABLEISSUES in the community.

The report looks into the local issue of homelessness with supportive housing and the benefits a community can gain with such support.

Around 208 in Perth-Huron are experiencing homelessness.

Supporting housing is a combination of housing assistance and support services which allows people to live as independently as possible.

Supportive housing also is viewed as essential to support the recovery and long-term housing stability for vulnerable people who suffer from mental health and addiction.

The full report on supportive housing can be found on PerthHuron.UnitedWay.ca